Established in May 2012, the Probus Club of Mountain View is one of 10 Probus Clubs located in Collingwood.

We are a social club consisting of retired and semi-retired couples and singles whose primary residence is in South Georgian Bay. Our Club’s success is based on our members interest in being active both socially and volunteering to help organize social events or assist with managing Club’s activities.

We connect with our members at monthly meetings and by offering a wide variety of social activities organized by the Club.  We offer our members many ways to connect with each other including:

  • Monthly General Meetings to socialize and listen to interesting guest speakers.

  • Involvement in a wide range of ongoing monthly activity/social functions

  • Regular special events organized by volunteers.

  • … and much more

We meet on the second Thursday of the month from 9:00am – 12 noon at the Collingwood Legion.  We do not hold monthly meetings in December, July and August.

Our membership is capped at 275 and we do not maintain a wait list.   Please click on Membership Eligibility to learn how you can become a member of our Club.