Survey results
Thank you to everyone who completed a survey. In total we had 135 responses. That is amazing. The full survey report is attached for your review. There is a lot of information here to digest but here are our takeaway thoughts and plans from our first reading.
- There is a very high level of satisfaction with the way the club is being run right now.
- There is a strong desire for more time, space and opportunity to meet new people in the club. We are going to play around with the layout of the meeting room and some other things to act on this.
- There was a high level of interest in the 3 suggested new types of Events (Technology training, International Group Travel and Stay ‘n Play Golf trips) . The Social Committee will be working on how to test these ideas further and launch them, so if you wish to participate or better still lead one of these Events, be ready to put your name forward.
Thanks to everyone who participated!!
Click here to read the complete survey results