A Message from Probus Mountainview President – Andja Martynuik

Thank you to the 39 members who logged into the Probus Mountainview AGM meeting on June 25th and to the 57 members who took the time to send in their Proxy.  We were able to move forward with the AGM and vote in your new management committee for the 2020-21 year with a quorum.

A big thank you to Paul Douglas for all his research on hosting the meeting as well as his past year as President – it certainly was a challenging one in many ways!

Thank you also goes out to Ingrid McLeod-Dick, Adrian O’Connor and Dennis Butcher for all their work as part of the management team, they are stepping down this year.  We appreciate all the time and effort you have put into your roles.

The 2020 -21 year is going to be one of uncertainty, to say the least!  Having said that, even though we may not be able to meet face to face for some time let us all work at staying connected. Your management team will be having virtual meetings to discuss options and please if you have ideas bring them forward to myself or one of the other management team members, we would love to hear from you.

In the meantime, have a safe and happy summer and we will be in touch with any updates we may have.

