It is that time again to renew your Probus club membership. A table will be set up in the foyer where the renewal forms will be available to be picked up. Renewal forms will be available for pick up at the March, April and May meetings. The cost is $55 per member ($110 per couple), which is the same as last year. Please note that if you are renewing as a couple, both signatures are required on the renewal form. Also, please check that the address and e-mail addresses are correct on this form and make any corrections that are required. Finally, be sure to check the appropriate box about whether you want your information to be shown as part of the membership directory.

Cheques are payable to the Probus Club of Mountain View. Payment is due by June 1, 2019 at the latest.
If you have any questions, require a renewal form to be sent to you or are not renewing, please let me know.
Best regards

Ingrid McLeod-Dick


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